Inspire Award 2016 Online Registration

Inspire Award 2016 Online Registration And Nomination Started.

Inspire Award 2016 Ma Online Students Registration Kevi Rite Karvu Teni Tamam Mahiti Aapvama Aavel Chhe.

How To Register Online Inspire Award 2016.

Inspire Award Ma Online Registration Karvana Steps.

PDF File Ma Aapvama Aavel Chhe.PDF File Download Karva Mate Niche Aapel Link Par Click Karo.
PDF File Ma Tamam Mahiti Aapvama Aavel Chhe.With Image.

Inspire Award 2016 Full Details.

Welcome School Authority under the INSPIRE Award Scheme
Under this scheme, all recognized schools in the country (whether run by Central Government or State Government or local body or NGOs), including private schools (aided or unaided), having classes 6th to 10th (whether all or some), are eligible to enroll in the scheme and submit nominations of eligible children to DST through their respective District/ State education authority on-line/ off-line.

 Last Date for receipt of nomination from schools is extended upto 15 September 2015

In this page, If already your school was registered, Please login to the system by clicking from "Please select any one of the options given below to proceed" Section. Then Login page will be appeared. Enter your User name, Password and click on the login button. Your school welcome page will be displayed. Now, click on the forward nomination to DA button of NOMINATION Section.Then Nomination Form Web Page will Opened.

Nomination Form:-

(To be filled in by the participating schools for filling nominations of students for INSPIRE awards)
Please carefully read and meticulously observe Important Instructions before / while filling the form.
For detailed guidelines of the Scheme Click here
For Downloading / Uploading Student Nomination Excel  Click Here


 The form can be filled only if the school has done a One Time Registration (OTR) under the INSPIRE award scheme and generated a (PRN_SL). If not done, You can do permanent registration first.

Your School General Information like
Name of the school: MPUPS SOMARAM
Permanent registration number (PRN_SL):APP39699384847/WARA/39
(Allotted to you at the time of One Time Registration of your school under the INSPIRE award scheme)
Five year plan period : 2015-16, Month: September

A. Student Nomination Form-Online mode:

Now Fill your student details
1. Sr. No.,
2. Class,
3. Student Name,
4. Parent Name,
5. UID ,
6. Priority
and click on the Submit Button.

B. Student Nomination Form - OFFLINE MODE

1. Please download Student Nomination Excel file for Offline Mode.
2. Please upload Student Nomination filled application by using upload button.

How to Fill the  Student Nomination Excel for Downloading / Uploading:
In this Excel file following steps are involved
1. Getting Started
2. Enable Macros
3. Structure of School Nomination
4. How to fill the form
5. Validating
6. Uploading excel.


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